
                 Forgiveness is a weird thing. I personally don’t forgive somebody unless I’m forced that’s because for me to forgive them it means they must have apologized for something bad they did to me. I am not the type of person to let someone off the hook that easily if they did something they cant just say sorry and go on. That’s not how I roll, if I do forgive them its only because there is probably an adult in the room. I also wouldn’t really care if someone accidentally ran into me or something like that yes of course I would forgive them but, it is very obvious if they do something on purpose. Some people belive that forgivness is a fragile thing, I don’t entirely agree with them but it is true that you can easily lose someone’s forgivness in what seems like seconds. The public truely thinks they have to forgive every body whatever they do I completely disagree with them because if you forgive them for small things they are going to think that its ok to bigger things. That is what I truly belive the definition of forgiveness is.


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